Nautique IWWF Asia Wakefest Hong Kong 2023


  We are pleased to announce that Nautique IWWF Asia Wakefest Hong Kong 2023, for this year will be held on 21-23 July 2023 (Friday to Sunday) at the Taipo Waterfront Park, Tai Po. Attached please find the bulletin for your information.


Application will start from 12:00, 20 June. Please refer to HKWSA web site or Facebook Event Page for event details and online entry.


  • All riders must enrol through our official website and IWWF EMS:

1. Individual Entry Form (Deadline: 3 Jul 2023) 

Adults: $950 HKD per eventJuniors: $600 HKD per event 




after the individual entry, you must then be registered by your respective Federation into IWWF’s Event Management System (EMS) .

Each athlete must register to compete in Wakefest Hong Kong using IWWF’s EMS no later than 3rd July 2023. An entry is considered complete when an athlete has registered for the event in EMS and full entry fee payment has been received. Entry fee payment must be made through the individual form.

Registration guidelines for the competition via EMS:


For new members or past members whose memberships have lapsed or expired, please submit your membership application via the online form:

Renewal of 2023 HKWSA Membership & Annual Membership Fee:


We look forward to seeing you at all of our events!


Hotel Reservation Form

Wakeboard Tentative Schedule:

Wakesurf Tentative Schedule:

Shuttle Bus Schedule:

Unofficial Training (TBC)

Invitation of quotations for the Facilitation of Wakefest HK 2023:

All Individual Result:

Team Result:


對於我們比賽團隊計算Nautique IWWF Asia Wakefest Hong Kong 2023的團隊成績時因使用錯誤的計算模型而出現錯誤,所造成不便和困擾,本會深表歉意。

冠軍: Chinese Taipei (Wakeboard) 410分
亞軍: Team Sai Kung 335分
季軍: Chinese Taipei (Wakesurf) 292.5分



The correction of the Team Score and Ranking

We would like to apologize for the error in calculating the team scores of the Nautique IWWF Asia Wakefest Hong Kong 2023 by using a wrong calculation template, which caused inconvenience and trouble to everyone. We understand that this oversight has affected the teams, and we will take all necessary measures to ensure that similar errors will not occur again. Attached please find the team result.

The corrected team scores are as follows:
Champion: Chinese Taipei (Wakeboard) 410 points
2nd Place: Team Sai Kung 335 points
3rd Place: Chinese Taipei (Wakesurf) 292.5 points

We have re-examined the competition results and have made the correct scores available on our official website and social media platforms. We have also contacted all affected participants, apologized, and explained the situation.

We will continue to strengthen our monitoring and testing procedures to ensure fairness and accuracy in future competitions. We appreciate your support and trust, and would like to extend our sincere apologies once again to the affected participants and other stakeholders.

2023WF_final_21_6_2023_with hotel Form