Notice is hereby given that an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of members of the Hong Kong Water Ski Association Limited will be held on Friday 21st April 2023 at Room 1025, Olympic House, Causeway Bay (TBC) at 7pm to consider and if thought fit approve the following matters and resolutions:

  1. Apologies.
  1. Approve the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 7th February 2023
  1. Election  to the Executive Committee – Honorary Treasurer (Note 1)

It is resolved to appoint David Chong as Honorary Treasurer

Proposed by Michael Chow, Seconded by Chris Howarth

  1. Changing the Association Name (Note 2)

It is resolved to change the name of the Association as mandated be SF&OC of Hong Kong, China to:

English: Waterski & Wakesports Hong Kong, China Limited (WWHKC)

Chinese: 中國香港滑水及尾波運動總會有限公司

Proposed by Michael Chow, Seconded by Chris Howarth

  1. Other Business

Any member who wishes to oppose these resolutions should notify HKWSA on or before the 19th of April 2023

By order of the Board

Hong Kong Water Ski Association Limited