Full Time Administrative Assistant Recruitment
The HKWSA is inviting applications for the following post: (1) Full Time Administrative Assistant Recruitment details
The HKWSA is inviting applications for the following post: (1) Full Time Administrative Assistant Recruitment details
香港滑水總會一直致力推廣及發展本地滑水運動,在香港政府的支援下,除了舉辦本地大型國際賽事、推動精英運動發展,更著重其他人仕之普及參與,以達致配合香港政府的體育政策──盛事化、精英化、普及化。 有見近年Wakesport(尾波運動),特別是Wakeboard(尾波花式滑水)及Wakesurf(尾波沖浪)在香港日益普及,今次有幸能夠與帝國集團控股有限公司、及香港小輪(集團)有限公司合作,在帝御項目的星級會所Club Royale 為住戶提供各類型的滑水訓練班。 未來住戶可以以優惠價報名參加由本會認可註冊教練在不同滑水熱門地點舉辦的訓練班,使住戶可以緊貼運動潮流,擁抱海岸生活。 此外,本會亦計劃在帝御項目前臨的五灣一脈舉辦滑水訓練班,為住戶帶來不一樣的水上活動體驗,感受五灣寬廣壯麗,優閒一脈相連。 除此之外,本會為迎合帝御住戶對購買水上運動設備的需要,將與本地多間知名運動用品店合作,為帝御住戶提供不同程度的購物折扣優惠,進一步提供增值服務。 *Chinese version only
2020 Water Skiing and Wakesports Beginners Course was successfully held. Thank you for the coaching of all coaches in those three days (29/9、11/10 and 08/11). We will see you next year! If you interested [...]
2020年初級滑水及尾波運動訓練班已經圓滿結束,多謝各位教練在三天 (29/9、11/10及08/11)的訓練班中悉心教導所有參加者。我們下年再見! 如閣下有興趣參與初級訓練班,請留意本會最新消息。
2020 IWWF WAKESURF JUDGING SEMINAR 18-19/6/2020 National Level Passing List [/fusion_text] [/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]
Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of members of the Hong Kong Water Ski Association Limited will be held on Friday 7th August 2020 at South China Restaurant, UB & B/F, [...]
After giving due consideration to the outbreak of corona-virus, Hong Kong Water Ski Association (HKWSA) had decided to postpone the 2020 Hong Kong National Wakeboard & Wakesurf Championships (originally held on 1-3/5) to protect [...]